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Major Version Upgrade on Debian
make a snapshot/backup of the machine check the running clusters using pg_lsclusters command ...
Android Settings
Google Ads Personalization Seetings > Googs > Ads > Opt Out Ads Personalisation Google Search H...
Reset defaults write ResetLaunchPad -bool true; killall Dock
Exclude folders from index It seems like .metadata_never_index method does not work anymore, sinc...
Runtime configuration
Runtime environment configuration with Angular
Mazda 6 GH1 2.0i Sport TE (2010)
Service Georg 0650 2418551 - Werkstatt Gänserndorf Notes Drehmomentschlüssel Alufelgen & Stahlfel...
Structural Directives - The Asterisk (*) Prefix
The (*) is a syntactic sugar. You'll have a ng-template wrapped arround the host element with the...
Router :: Subscribe to Route Changes
This example will change the function of a contextual button in a bootstrap/navbar import { Compo...
Access Parent Component
Using @Input and a little trick to send the this of the parent to the child. I guess you can do i...
Chrome inspect element select your component and it will be assigned to $0 run ng.probe($0).compo...
Organize Your Photos Using exiftool
Find all photos without date information $ exiftool -filename -filemodifydate -createdate -r -if ...
Hyundai / KIA
i30 Second Generationa (GD) 2012-2017 GDI models and T-GDI are engines with direct injection, T s...
Octavia Second Generation (2005-2013) facelift 2009 same platform with Golf Mk5 and Audi A3 Mk2 n...
A3 Second Generation (2003-2012) FSI engines facelift 2008 1.6 -> 2010 - 102 PS (75 kW)
BMW 3 Series E9x E9x series with petrol engines, especially L4 N43, are known to have problems wi...
B Class T245 all petrol engines are with indirect injection Motor codes M 166 E xx (E = Saugrohre...
Focus Mk2 and C-MAX 2008 Facelift - 2010 1.6 Duratec Ti-VCT 115 PS, 74 kW 1.8 and 2.0 Duratec HE ...
C4 First Generation Facelift 2008 - 2010 1.6 seem to be very rare in AT Second Generation 2010 -...
Mazda 6 GH Initial release 2008 sequenzielle elektronisch geregelte Saugrohreinspritzung abgasnor...
Searching a naturally aspirated engine
gasoline direct injection (GDI), also known as petrol direct injection, direct petrol injection, ...