Dump / Restore
Dump All Functions (to a file)
SELECT pg_get_functiondef(f.oid) FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc f
INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON (f.pronamespace = n.oid)
WHERE n.nspname = 'public';
- run
\o functions.sql
first to save the output to a file or
- use
\copy (...) to
Dump database
pg_dump -U username -h hostname databasename > dump.sql
Import info existing database
psql -d newdb -f dump.sql
Dump and Restore Sperling Database
pg_dump --no-owner -U sperling_prod -h mimir1.aco.net sperling_prod > dump.sql
psql -h localhosst sperling_devel postgres -f dump.sql
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